Cal Jernigan has served on the staff of Central Christian Church of Arizona since 1987 and has been the Lead Pastor since the beginning of 1999. Central is currently meeting on five different campuses and now averages 10,000 people each weekend. From his roots in youth ministry, Cal leads with a passion for communicating the Word of God in a relevant, timely, and engaging manner. His greatest desire is to help people understand there is a God who cares deeply for them and wants to connect with them personally. Cal has been married to his wife, Lisa, for 44 years, and they have two grown children and eight grandchildren.
Most of us enter the ministry because we love God and we love people, and our desire is to serve both to the greatest extent of our ability. This love is our greatest motivation, and this love is what sustains us throughout our leadership journey. The ministry, however, often proves to be much more difficult and challenging than we ever imagined. If we’re not careful, we can find these challenges changing us into someone we never intended to become. When this happens, we can begin to doubt ourselves and the validity of our calling. This seminar will deal with the challenges we face in ministry and discuss how to keep our love for God and people alive—through it all.